Association Hongroise des Enseignants de Français

Utiliser la francophonie à la marge en classe de FLE: les vertus pédagogiques de l´œuvre de Rita Mestokosho en Suède

Date de création : 
Lu 02/04/2012
Votre note : Aucun Moyenne : 5 (1 vote)

« Je suis innue, et innu veut dire être humain. Nous sommes à peu près 15 000 innus dispersés dans 11 communautés, 2 au Labrador qui sont anglophones de langue seconde, 9 au Québec qui sont francophones de langue seconde. Nous vivons entre deux mondes, le moderne et le traditionnel. L´équilibre entre les deux n´est pas facile car notre terre traditionnelle est toujours menacée par la destruction de grosses compagnies forestières, des barrages hydroélectriques et les mines. Notre vie et notre survie sont attachées à celui des rivières, des forêts et des lacs. Écrire dans une langue, la langue française est aussi une nécessité. Celle de pouvoir diffuser à un vaste auditoire nos préoccupations dans une langue poétique »[1] écrit Rita Mestokosho, écrivaine francophone luttant par l´écriture pour la préservation du style de vie de la communauté innue du Québec. Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio a rendu plusieurs fois hommage au combat de Rita Mestokosho et l´a citée dans son discours de réception du prix Nobel du 10 décembre 2008 à Stockholm[2]. L´œuvre de Rita Mestokosho permet d´introduire en classe de FLE l´idée de francophonie et de donner une entrée originale dans la langue française comme langue de communication. La marginalité produit un effet d´attention inédit car la francophonie permet de porter un regard sur une culture minoritaire autochtone. Les deux visites de Rita Mestokosho en Suède (octobre 2009 et novembre 2011) ont donné lieu à des ateliers pédagogiques originaux et appréciés des élèves suédois.

1) La francophonie à la marge

Rita Mestokosho est venue à deux reprises à Stockholm, une première fois à l´automne 2009 où elle a pu intervenir en classe de FLE dans des lycées et des universités suédoises et une seconde fois à la fin du mois de novembre 2011 où elle a présenté son œuvre lors de séminaires et de conférences tout en intervenant dans plusieurs établissements suédois. Sa biographie a suscité des questions de la part des élèves : pourquoi le français ? Que représente la langue française pour vous ? Peut-on écrire en français avec un message politique ?. La présentation d´une écrivaine expliquant sa relation au français, sa mère adoptive, permet d´introduire cette idée de francophonie. La francophonie représente la diversité culturelle réunie autour de la langue française : elle s´inscrit dans une perspective postcoloniale. « Le français n´est pas la langue de ma mère. Mais le destin l´a mise sur ma route, et nous nous sommes apprivoisés. Nous nous sommes tellement apprivoisés que j´ai choisi de l´adopter. Ce ne fut pas un choix difficile car elle vit dans mes pensées quand le partage se fait sentir »[3]. La biographie de Rita Mestokosho a retenu l´attention des élèves, d´autant plus que la poétesse est aussi conseillère politique de la communauté innue. Son œuvre est engagée dans la préservation de l´environnement et lie directement les perspectives de diversité culturelle et de biodiversité.

2) Le français, langue de communication

Certains poèmes de Rita font même penser à des haïkus japonais, c´est-à-dire à des aphorismes exprimant des émotions collectives de la communauté innue. Les élèves de lycée avaient à réaliser des poèmes en utilisant le champ lexical lié aux quatre éléments (air, feu, terre, eau). Ces activités sont possibles pour des groupes dont les compétences langagières correspondent à des niveaux A2 et B1 du cadre européen commun de référence (Lallement, Pierret, 2007). Les élèves perçoivent ainsi la manière dont une écrivaine de langue maternelle innue utilise le français pour s´adresser au-delà du cadre de sa communauté. Les caractéristiques de sa culture marginale sont ainsi dépassées grâce à l´usage du français comme langue seconde de revendication. La poésie de Rita Mestokosho porte un message politique profond.

La venue de Rita Mestokosho avait été également préparée par des étudiants de l´Université de Stockholm (niveau A2). Rita Mestokosho avait fait parvenir à l´avance une série de photos présentant le cadre de vie de la communauté innue autour du fleuve La Romaine dans le nord du Québec. Les étudiants ont ainsi sélectionné plusieurs photographies que Rita Mestokosho a commentées spontanément en classe. Les scènes présentant les gestes traditionnels de cette communauté (conseil des aînés, cueillette de plantes, préparation des remèdes médicaux) ont été choisies par les élèves. Le fait d´aiguiller la curiosité des élèves sur un autre contenu culturel facilite l´usage du français comme langue de communication. La rencontre s´est achevée sur une lecture multilingue des poèmes de Rita Mestokosho, en innu, en français et en suédois. Un autre séminaire a été organisé en français et en suédois avec plusieurs départements (anthropologie, anglais) pour évoquer la manière dont la poésie transmet une tradition minoritaire à un lectorat universel. En mêlant une approche didactique (préparation d´une rencontre avec les élèves) et une approche scientifique (conférences, séminaires), la venue de Rita Mestokosho a suscité un intérêt réel en Suède. Le profil multilingue de cette auteure a permis d´illustrer de manière efficace le rôle de communication et de transmission de la langue française : elle exprime ses émotions en innu et les transmet en français.

Quelques dates à retenir :

Rita Mestokosho est une poète francophone de langue innue. Elle est née sur la côte nord-ouest du Saint Laurent dans la communauté d'Ekuanitshit ( Mingan) où elle réside toujours.

  •  Le 10 décembre 2008 : Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio rend hommage au combat de Rita Mestokosho dans son discours de réception
  •  En septembre 2009 : première visite de Rita Mestokosho en  Suède
  •  En 2010 : parution de son recueil de poésies en innu, en français et en suédois aux éditions Beijboom Books
  •  En novembre 2011 : deuxième visite de Rita Mestokosho avec une série de conférences dans la région de Stockholm.


[1] Rita Mestokosho, Hur jag ser på livet mormor, Eshi Uapataman Nukum, Comment je perçois la vie grand-mère, , Göteborg, Beijboom Books AB, 2009, p. 90. [Les deux éditions susnommées diffèrent, la première contient deux langues (suédois et français) tandis que la seconde dispose des trois langues (innu, français et suédois)].

[2] Rita Mestokosho, Eshi Uapataman Nukum, Hur jag ser på livet mormor, Göteborg, Beijboom Books AB, 2010, p. 10.

[3] Ibid., p. 90.

Auteur (externe) : 
Auteur (interne) : 
Françoise Sule



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Obama to receive Nobel Peace

Obama to receive Nobel Peace Prize

October this year Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize Committee announced that the decision can be described as a ripple, was questioned Obama Hedeheneng eligible for this award, even given this nomination, because February 1 this year, the peace prize When the nominations deadline, Obama just took office less than two weeks Obama said in his acceptance speech:. 'For those oakley radar path of you (the Nobel Committee) this award to my caused huge controversy, I can Oakley Custom M Frame Strike not despise a sense speaking, this is because I have only just begun, and I'm the efforts of the international community has only just begun, is far from over. 'He said his contribution compared with Mandela and other Nobel Laureates' negligible 'He thinks : 'The reason I may be controversial, but winning is the country I lead in the midst of two wars.', referring to occhiali oakley his understanding for the use of force and war, the president said: 'Today I also Oakley Occhiali da sole per uso quotidiano 2015 Occhiali Da Sole uomo could not get a clear The solution to the problems caused by the war I only know that we need and the same ancestors - has a long-term vision, hard work, persistence - in order to face these challenges we need a new perspective to oakley holbrook understand the war and. the definition of peace. '

as a Oakley Store ufficiale Sweep country at war president, Obama said he was obliged to defend their country. He believes that war is sometimes justified, especially on humanitarian grounds, such as war against al-Qaida. He said: 'Nonviolence is nothing to prevent Hitler's cavalry, Negotiations can not convince al Qaeda to lay down their weapons and we say that force is necessary, this is not quibble but learn from the lesson.' But Obama stressed that the United States did not want to provoke Afghanistan war, referring to Iran and North Korea's nuclear issue, Obama said some breaches of international law on the country, sanctions 'is the Oakley Custom M Frame Strike most appropriate reward', 'Iran and North Korea have no right rules of the game.'

'I can get this honor, my gratitude, but also felt guilty for this award conveys the ultimate desire of mankind - although we live in a cruel and difficult in the world - we will never be the fate of the prisoner, we can play a significant role in history can oakley radar path go forward in the direction of justice. '(China Daily: to AU

Obama's first telephone

Obama's first telephone conversation with Aung San Suu Kyi Cat Man

about the new US diplomatic engagement on Burma, White House officials revealed more details of Thursday's call and President Obama for the first time after many years under house arrest of democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi occhiali oakley of Burma call. Aung San Suu Kyi won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991, White House officials said President Barack Obama to Bali oakley radar xl occhiali da sole uomo oakley on Air Force One on his way in this call, very meaningful. And that Aung San Suu Kyi to the president on the latest political situation in Myanmar, Aung San Suu Kyi admiration

White House officials say the president has long been out of admiration for Aung San Suu Kyi made the struggle for democracy and human rights. Obama stressed that the US goal is to see Myanmar to respond to the aspirations of the oakley m frame sweep people. She hoped that President Obama has made clear that the United States will support a world willing to work with White House officials and the Government of Myanmar occhiali oakley to cooperate in her briefing to reporters briefly introduced the policy of the Obama administration after a wide-ranging review of Myanmar. This policy includes the expansion of the participation oakley holbrook of Burma, and continues through sanctions to put pressure on Burma, they say, after the contested election in Burma's new leadership has emerged to produce real progress. lenti oakley radar They quoted as saying that Aung San Suu Kyi, Aung San Suu Kyi that 'people she can deal with' Myanmar President Thein Sein is a wind of reform from

these senior White House officials said the government of Myanmar on the implementation of the reform has taken a series of major steps. A White House official said, 'We think the winds of change have blown.' But they stressed that the Government of Myanmar also need to do more of these White House officials said the United States respects allow Myanmar as ASEAN rotating presidency country of the organization in 2014. And hopes Myanmar will be more progress. A White House official said the US had consultations with China on the issue of Myanmar, the United States fully supports the participation of Beijing Aung San Suu Kyi greeting Obama family dog, 'wave', and she also mentioned a dog. Aung San Suu Kyi and Obama oakley radar path expressed the hope that someday their visibility side. THX!

EA Sports and Nike create an

EA Sports and Nike create an NBA Elite 11 edition Zoom KD3 for Kevin Durant

Life sure is good if you're Oklahoma City Thunder swingman Kevin Durant. A few weeks ago, he was the clear alpha dog on the gold medal team at Air Max 90 the FIBA World Championships, he's the current frontrunner for MVP of the upcoming 2010 11 NBA season, and he actually seems likeable. Unlike that guy who made "The Decision" and took his talents to South Beach, Durant has been humble and worked hard behind the limelight. You had to follow his Twitter account to even know he signed a long term extension Womens Jordans with the Thunder. And he still wants to get better. Good luck, Lakers. Maybe not this year, but Black Mamba's time is coming up soon.

With all of his success, it comes natural that companies are going to want to jump on the Durant bandwagon, and Nike and EA Sports were the first ones to really support Durant. His signature shoe, the Zoom KD, is now in its third season. And at the age of 22, Durant is the cover athlete of Jordan 5 NBA Elite 11, one of Jordan 6 the youngest to ever receive such an honor. And with Nike and EA not being strangers with one another, they commemorated the occasion Nike Air Max 2011 with a special version of the Zoom KD3.

The shoes are a pixelated mess, and I mean that in a good way. Modeled after the Thunder team colors, the only people who will probably ever get a chance to wear a pair of these are Durant himself, rapper Fat Joe (a man with Nike Air Max 90 Premium EM Womens many connections in the sneaker world), and probably EA Sports head honcho Peter Moore. But then again, the Madden NFL '11 Nike Trainer 1.2 did show up eventually online, so you never know.

exclusive: Playtonic Games is returning games to the golden age of 3D platformersFor an industry that has made enormous strides in a short amount of time, there is an incredibly rich, memorable past that exists in the minds of so many. With plenty of game consoles and.

Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Xbox One review: This is perfectionPast entries in 'The Witcher' always had a few brush strokes of epic cast upon them, yet never fully realized. With 'The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt' Polish developer CD Projekt Red have realized that.


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the focus on service people traveling

The 'a visit' to stay in the 'wall', '517 Travel' The launch of LBS-based 'travel wall' application
travel What play it? Since you want engraved with 'a visit' and bears more than a child, why not conduct such pictures virtualization? '517 Travel' new 'travel wall' (iOS) is to let this tour virtualization, to meet customer needs while traveling through three 'walls' and lightweight travel locus (travel). Nike Lunar Haze This simple app is currently a total of three walls, for a different presentation of information: the user can restore a message on the wall 'lettering' experience, with a calligraphy pen handwritten message, see nearby traveler; pictures on the wall are used to share travel landscape, user can do in the photo on the message, like the interaction; Air Jordan 14 Retro and finally the demand side wall, the user can do about partners, carpool, fight to eat, play and other needs to fight the issue and the response. Three sides of the wall Nike Lunar Haze of the user's personal home page collection of these messages will light quantity and automatically generate a message map, the feeling is a lightweight travel records. CEO pine 517 trips that we actually travel on the road often see at the inn, attractions entity 'graffiti wall', 'photo wall', 'Demand wall' Air Jordan 8 Retro solution is the original (but fun), so that they think of them have moved on app. This App will focus on customer service as travel, not the very pursuit of Nikkatsu rate and high frequency. After application of the first stage of the operation is feasible, the human wall types for travel may increase, such as the integration of local promotions business resources to do deals in the wall, so you can call or reservation (area, car rental, guide, restaurant, lodging, etc.) Pages wall and so on. Pine believes that the wall in Nike King the form of travel services subsequent expansion space is very strong, if done well, liquidity will be relatively strong. Complain, problems and opportunities currently traveling is Nike Air Presto the greatest. Coincidentally, recently launched a new version of attractions Air Jordan 13 Retro through TouchChina also increase the 'square' module, it seems to want Air Jordan 4 Retro to find travel opportunities. The foreign similar sign wall applications as well Wallit, comparison, Travel wall because the focus on service people traveling on the road, in spots, tourism and the content will be more focused some difficulty continuing operations is relatively low. Prior to the introduction of 517 travel trip wall, they also introduced the 'Voyage' and hope to do with the idea of ​​deconstruction travel travel applications. Unless noted, articles are original or compiled site, please indicate: articles from 36 Krypton

The Nike SB Stefan Janoski is

The Nike SB Stefan Janoski is yet to get a true sequel unlike plenty of skate signatures nike roshe run mens in Nike SB‘s lineup. The overwhelming success of the simplistic design has made it hard for the Swoosh to part ways just yet, but that doesn’t mean they haven’t experimented with the Nike SB Janoski at all. Here we see the dual velcro-strap construction return in a new canvas upper complete with acid washed fading throughout. The Teal base contrasts with sharp lines and vectors, something nike roshe run men usually absent from the anonymous forms from the bleaching process in a unique look while black accents contrast. Check out a better view of the latest lace-ditching Janoski below and grab this pair for $90 via Premier.After a series of colorful concepts, Irving’s first signature opts for the first monochromatic variety to date. His Kyrie 1 has utilized a number of vibrant shades in the nike roshe run women past, but here we see a change of pace thanks to a subtle Wolf Grey tooling that sees Pure Platinum accents hit the unique heel construction and jagged extended midsole on the front of the sneaker. The ventilated mesh upper and lightweight nature of the silhouette will make the Nike Kyrie 1 the perfect choice for summer hooping. Check out a better view below and grab nike roshe runs the Kyrie 1 “Wolf Grey” this Saturday, May 9th at European retailers, and stay tuned for a U.S. release date.Good news American sneakerheads, the upcoming Nike LeBron Soldier IX “Quai 54″ for the Parisian streetball tournament previously thought to be a European exclusive is going to be dropping stateside. And very soon, as Foot Locker is reporting that they’ll have them in stock at select nike roshe shoes for women locations tomorrow, May 30th. With this Soldier IX hitting US doors, it definitely gives some hope that the Air Jordan 13 and Air Jordan XX9 for this year’s Quai 54 tournament may also eventually land on US soil, but we’ll have to wait and see. In the meantime, check with your local Foot Locker to see if they’ll be getting the LeBron Soldier IX “Quai 54″ who sells nike roshe runs tomorrow.What seems to be a seasonal tradition now, Liberty of London and Nike Sportswear team up once again for another premium collection of women’s sneakers featuring prints from Liberty’s archives. This summer’s set of sneakers has gone for a decidedly bolder look than usual, with a unique and colorful print that almost calls to mind the “Peace” Air Raids. One of the models highlighting the white nike roshe run collection is the Air Max 90 Ultra, which drapes the modified Air Max’s base with the textile print and is then layered with clear TPU reinforcements, a bright white mudguard, and striped eyestays. You’ll then find smoky clear portions of the midsole and outsole, adding to the shoes already unique look. The Liberty x Nike Air Max 90 Ultra releases with the rest of the summer nike roshe run black collection on May 15th, 2015The Huarache influence is everywhere. After a decade or more of irrelevance stateside, Nike is really milking Tinker Hatfield’s (happy birthday by the way) 1991 creation in any and all ways possible. One of the more unexpected varieties roshe nike has been the Nike SB Eric Koston mashup with the Nike Air Huarache. It isn’t the first time that Nike’s skate imprint has turned to the Huarache line to steal a few features away. Paul Rodriguez’s signature line has featured a few Huarache-like aesthetics in its history. Here we see the obvious heel support return while the ventilated side panels keep the status quo of the original Huarache intact. With an obsidian suede tooling throughout, this Nike SB Eric Koston Huarache will be as easy to wear for casual purposes as it will be to skate in. nike roshe run Check out more photos below and be on the lookout for this pair to arrive stateside in the near future.Nike SB hasn’t been shy in regards to utilizing some of Nike’s technology that would normally be deemed foreign to the world of skate. Take the Nike SB Free for instance, a shoe that took the running staple and revamped it to add extra flexibility to white and black nike roshe run skate performance models. The SB Free looks just as good for casual use as well, as here we see a new Deep Royal Blue hit the entirety of the upper as silver accents flank the branding throughout. Check out a better view of the latest Nike SB sneaker after the break and look for this release to hit store shelves later this month.

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As we reported last week, The boots will be available in men's, women's, and children's sizes and the first 50 purchases will come with a custom blue leather wax and shammy kit to keep the uniquely-colored footwear fresh. Pharrell timberland outlet has been teasing us with these Blue Bee Line x Timberland boots for a while now. He first wore them during an episode of The Voice way back in November of last year before bringing them to our attention again in an Instagram post last week.The Timberland boots have gotten a number of distinct makeovers from Pharrell. womens timberland boots Together, the duo has released a wingtip-inspired version of the boots, pairs printed with grass and honeycomb patterns, which were co-signed by Beyoncé and Rihanna, and an all-red iteration that most closely resembles this latest blue model. When news came that these 300 pairs of these boots were being released as a BBC Bee Line x timberland shoes Timberland release, it was clear that there would be a line outside the BBC store on the drop date. More than 200 people showed up this past Sunday to try and get their hands on a pair, including plenty of overnight campers. Complex News headed down to the scene to speak with some of the people who timberland pro had been waiting in line since the day before, and what their essentials are for lining up. We also asked them what it is with rappers and red shoes these days (see: Red Octobers) and why this particular collaboration was worth waiting hours for. Check out the video above to see what they had to say, and to get a detailed look at the boot. However, because of popularity and high demand, Timberland is also one of the brands targeted for counterfeiting. The good news is that while fake products may have the look of the real ones from afar, dozens of telltale signs can help you identify the counterfeit items. So, before white timberland boots spending your hard-earned moolah, take some time to do some research and educate yourself on how to spot fake Timberlands.The limited edition boots will come in red leather and have a translucent outsole, tonal hardware, and a Bee Line embroidered hang timberland earthkeepers tag. There will also be two lace options: candy-red or Timberland's usual brown and yellow. Pharrell first teased the boots this past summer when he was seen rocking a pair of the prototypes, which he said at the time were "1 of 1." Following that, Billionaire Boys Club posted a photo of the same boots on its Instagram account in April, with the caption, "SAMPLE cc: @timberland #BillionaireDevelopment," further confirming the collaboration and potential release. In May, he auctioned off a pair on eBay to benefit timberland boots for women FromOneHandToAnOTHER. The box will include Villa's take on the classic Timberland six-inch boots, high-quality socks to match from Stance Socks, and a beanie from New Era, all inspired by the beloved holiday dish. The socks and shoes match the shade of sweet potatoes, while the beanie is emblazoned with "Yams," the vegetable the plate's made out timberland carlsbad of. The pack is limited to only 144, and launches on Villa's website tonight at midnight. The Timberland six-inch boot is well known across the world — and that classic design is about to change this fall when Timberland unveils their legendary boot with "new guts." Don't worry, it'll still look the same, but this revamped fall classic timberland boots release will include anti-fatigue comfort technology and flexible forefoot construction. Fans of the boot will be able to share their Timberland story on Timberland's Facebook page, in addition to Facebook, fans can stay updated on all of Timberland's latest news by checking out the #TBLclassic hashtag on Twitter. Check out the images above and be sure to timberland boots outlet cop this classic boot.Like Red Wing, Viberg, or Wolverine boots, Timbs aren't just meant for streetwear fans, and they shouldn't be worn in just that style either. You'd be surprised at the flexible functionality of the silhouette. Much like your own wardrobe, don't let your Timbs (or your desire to wear a pair) be pigeonholed by black timberland boots any particular style. Just don't go wearing them with a suit or tuxedo.A pair of Timberland boots by Shayne Oliver of Hood By Air and Swarovski is up for auction. And the classic six-inch boots aren't like anything you've seen before. Featured along the side and the back are huge Swarovski crystals, in case you know, you timberlands want to flex. After McNairy did it so well, you know that we all jumped at the news that he and Pharrell's Bee Line would be partnering with Timberland. With a dark olive upper and green welt, the boots brought color without straying too far from its masculine ruggedness. Opening Ceremony applied its quirky direction red timberland boots to the Timberland boot this past fall, and added an innovative tech look to the classic boots. The elastic lacing system was both convenient and gave a futuristic aesthetic without deviating from the silhouette we've come to know and love.Sometimes, the best potential collaborations are so obvious that they get overlooked for a while. You wouldn't immediately cheap timberland boots pair together Stussy's wavy vibes with Timberland's rugged NYC street-friendly history, but that's why this season's collabo worked so well. The latest collaborative effort from Supreme and Timberland is here, this time in the form of a Field Boot. 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Jual Welded Beam
Jual Welded Beam
Distributor besi hollow
Jual Besi Beton
Jual besi unp
undangan pernikahan contoh
Agen Besi H beam Baja
Jual Plat Bordes
Supplier Welded Beam
Supplier Welded Beam
Distributor besi beton Sni Ulir Polos
Supplier Besi Beton
Jual besi siku
undangan pernikahan yang unik
Harga Welded Beam T beam King Queen Cross Castellated Beam
Toko Besi H beam Baja
Supplier Plat Bordes
Toko Welded Beam
Toko Welded Beam
Toko Besi Beton
Jual Plat besi plat kapal
undangan pernikahan amplop
Harga Bondek Cor
Jual Besi H beam Baja
Toko Plat Bordes
harga besi beton Sni Ulir Polos polos ulir
Agen Welded Beam
Agen Welded Beam
Jual stainless steel
Agen Besi Beton jual hp asus murah jual hp asus murah
Jual besi h beam baja
undangan pernikahan unik dan murah
Harga Atap Spandek Sni
Harga Besi H beam Baja
Agen Plat Bordes
harga besi beton sii
undangan pernikahan kalender


Parthenia Labady

Unsur ini digunakan Sebagai PELINDUNG PERMUKAAN BAJA dan tahan gesekan. Baja yang mengkilap, KERAS dan RAPUH serta TAHAN terhadap KOROSI (karat) tetapi mempunyai KEULETAN yang RENDAH.undangan pernikahan klub bola
Agen Welded Beam T beam King Queen Cross Castellated Beam
undangan pernikahan cetak
Pabrik besi cnp baja
Agen Plat Besi Hitam
undangan pernikahan
Agen Jual Besi Siku Baja
Agen Bondek Cor
Agen Atap Spandek Sni
Toko besi beton psi Ulir Polos
Distributor besi cnp baja
Distributor besi cnp baja
undangan pernikahan klasik
Distributor besi h beam baja
Agen Plat Kapal Bki Krakatau Steel
undangan pernikahan amplop surat
Agen Besi Unp Baja Profil Kanal
Distributor Stainless steel
Agen Plat Bordes Kembang
Toko besi beton perwira
Harga besi cnp baja
Harga besi cnp baja
undangan pernikahan cantik elegan
Harga besi h beam baja
jasa konstruksi baja
undangan pernikahan simple
Agen Besi Cnp Profil Baja Gording
Supplier Stainless steel
Distributor besi cnp baja
Toko besi beton PAS
Jual besi cnp baja
Jual besi cnp baja
undangan pernikahan custom
Jual besi h beam baja
undangan pernikahan murah
Agen Besi Hollow
Agen Stainless steel
Harga besi cnp baja
Toko besi beton master steel ms
Supplier besi cnp baja
Supplier besi cnp baja
undangan pernikahan cute
Supplier besi h beam baja
undangan pernikahan unik
Agen Wiremesh
Toko Stainless steel
Jual besi cnp baja
Toko besi beton ksty
Toko besi cnp baja
Toko besi cnp baja
undangan pernikahan coklat
Toko besi h beam baja
undangan pernikahan biasa
Agen Besi Pipa Baja Schedule 80
Jual Stainless steel
Supplier besi cnp baja
Toko besi beton krakatau steel
Agen besi cnp baja
Agen besi cnp baja
undangan pernikahan cantik dan murah
Agen besi h beam baja
Agen besi beton Sni Ulir Polos polos ulir
undangan pernikahan bunga
Agen Besi Pipa Baja Schedule 40
Harga Stainless steel
Toko besi cnp baja
Toko besi beton jcac
Pabrik besi cnp baja
Pabrik besi cnp baja
undangan pernikahan casual
Pabrik besi h beam baja
Agen besi beton sii
undangan pernikahan artis
Agen Pipa Besi Hitam Medium
Pabrik Stainless steel
Agen besi cnp baja
Toko besi beton interworld steel is
Distributor besi h beam baja
Distributor besi h beam baja
undangan pernikahan contoh
Distributor plat besi hitam
Agen besi beton psi Ulir Polos
undangan pernikahan modern
Agen Besi Wf
Distributor Baja Ringan
Distributor Wiremesh Besi
Toko besi beton gunung garuda
Harga besi h beam baja
Harga besi h beam baja
undangan pernikahan chinese
Harga plat besi hitam
Agen besi beton perwira
undangan pernikahan artis
Agen Besi H beam
Supplier Baja Ringan
Harga Wiremesh Besi
Toko besi beton delcoprima
Jual besi h beam baja
Jual besi h beam baja
undangan pernikahan cantik
Jual plat besi hitam
Agen besi beton PAS
undangan pernikahan casual
Agen Besi Beton
Agen Baja Ringan
Jual Wiremesh Besi
Toko besi beton cakra steel cs
Supplier besi h beam baja
Supplier besi h beam baja
undangan pernikahan bunga
Supplier plat besi hitam
Agen besi beton master steel ms
undangan pernikahan animasi
Toko Baja Ringan
undangan pernikahan simple
undangan pernikahan murah
Supplier Wiremesh Besi
Toko besi beton bjku
Toko besi h beam baja
Toko besi h beam baja
undangan pernikahan bentuk dompet
Toko plat besi hitam
Agen besi beton ksty
undangan pernikahan murah
Toko Welded Beam T beam King Queen Cross Castellated Beam
Jual Baja Ringan
Toko Wiremesh Besi
Toko besi beton Sni Ulir Polos
Agen besi h beam baja
Agen besi h beam baja
undangan pernikahan buatan sendiri
Agen plat besi hitam
Agen besi beton krakatau steel
undangan pernikahan biru
Toko Bondek Cor
Harga Baja Ringan
Agen Wiremesh Besi
Toko besi beton ais
Pabrik besi h beam baja
Pabrik besi h beam baja
undangan pernikahan batik
Pabrik plat besi hitam
Agen besi beton jcac
undangan pernikahan arab
Toko Atap Spandek Sni
Pabrik Baja Ringan
Pabrik Wiremesh Besi
Toko besi beton


Nanette Delgreco

Mempunyai sifat TAHAN PEKERJAAN PANAS sehingga cocok untuk hotwork tool steel, batas pencampuran unsur ini MAX.7% juga berfungsi sebagai penetralisir kekerasan wolfram. Molybdenum merupakan unsur tambahan pembuat keuletan baja yang maximum.Pabrik Welded Beam
Pabrik Welded Beam
Jual atap spandek
Pabrik Besi Beton
Jual besi cnp
undangan pernikahan animasi
Harga Plat Bordes Kembang
Pabrik Besi H beam Baja
Pabrik Plat Bordes
harga besi beton psi Ulir Polos
Distributor Besi Beton
Distributor Besi Beton
Jual baja ringan
Agen Besi Beton
undangan pernikahan cantik
undangan pernikahan kalender
undangan pernikahan bahasa inggris islam
undangan pernikahan islami
undangan pernikahan unik dan murah
undangan pernikahan modern
undangan pernikahan online
undangan pernikahan
undangan pernikahan amplop surat
undangan pernikahan simple
undangan pernikahan murah
undangan pernikahan unik
undangan pernikahan artis
undangan pernikahan modern
undangan pernikahan artis
undangan pernikahan arab
undangan pernikahan
undangan pernikahan
Harga Plat Besi Hitam
Distributor Atap Spandek
Distributor Bondek Cor
harga besi beton perwira
undangan pernikahan simple
Harga Besi Beton
Harga Besi Beton
Jual bondek
jual laptop asus jual laptop asus
jual laptop asus murah jual laptop asus murah
Toko Besi Beton
harga besi Wf Baja
undangan pernikahan cantik elegan
Harga Plat Kapal Bki Krakatau Steel
Supplier Atap Spandek
Harga Bondek Cor
harga besi beton PAS
Jual Besi Beton
Jual Besi Beton
Jual Plat kapal besi baja bki krakatau steel
Supplier Besi Beton
Harga bondek
undangan pernikahan cetak
Harga Jual Besi Siku Baja
Agen Atap Spandek
Jual Bondek Cor
harga besi beton master steel ms
Supplier Besi Beton
Supplier Besi Beton
Jual besi siku
Distributor Besi Beton
harga wiremesh
undangan pernikahan custom
Harga Besi Unp Baja Profil Kanal
Toko Atap Spandek
Supplier Bondek Cor
harga besi beton ksty
Toko Besi Beton
Toko Besi Beton
Jual pipa besi baja sch 40 sch 80
Harga Besi Beton
Harga pipa besi baja sch 40 sch 80
undangan pernikahan bagus
Harga Besi Cnp Profil Baja Gording
Jual Atap Spandek
Toko Bondek Cor
harga besi beton krakatau steel
Agen Besi Beton
Agen Besi Beton
Jual Plat besi
Jual Besi Beton
harga besi hollow
undangan pernikahan anime
Harga Besi Hollow
Harga Atap Spandek
Agen Bondek Cor
harga besi beton jcac
Pabrik Besi Beton
Pabrik Besi Beton
Jual besi h beam
Pabrik Besi Beton
harga besi beton Sni Ulir Polos
undangan pernikahan aneh
Harga Wiremesh
Pabrik Atap Spandek
Pabrik Bondek Cor
harga besi beton interworld steel is
Distributor besi unp baja
Distributor besi unp baja
Jual besi wf
Distributor besi unp baja
harga besi wf baja
undangan pernikahan elegan
Harga Besi Pipa Baja Schedule 80
Distributor Bondek Cor
Distributor Atap Spandek
harga besi beton gunung garuda
Harga besi unp baja
Harga besi unp baja
Jual wiremesh
Harga besi unp baja
harga besi unp
undangan pernikahan casual
Harga Besi Pipa Baja Schedule 40
Supplier Bondek Cor
Harga Atap Spandek
harga besi beton delcoprima
Jual besi unp baja
Jual besi unp baja
Jual besi unp
Jual besi unp baja
harga besi siku
undangan pernikahan ala india
Harga Pipa Besi Hitam Medium
Agen Bondek Cor
Jual Atap Spandek
harga besi beton cakra steel cs
Supplier besi unp baja
Supplier besi unp baja
Jual besi cnp
Supplier besi unp baja
harga Plat besi plat kapal
undangan pernikahan chinese
Harga Besi Wf
Toko Bondek Cor
Supplier Atap Spandek
harga besi beton bjku
Toko besi unp baja
Toko besi unp baja
Jual besi hollow
Toko besi unp baja
harga besi h beam baja
undangan pernikahan anime
Harga Besi H beam
Jual Bondek Cor
Toko Atap Spandek
harga besi beton Sni Ulir Polos
Agen besi unp baja
Agen besi unp baja
Jual besi beton Sni Ulir Polos
Agen besi unp baja
harga besi cnp
undangan pernikahan klub bola
Harga Besi Beton
Harga Bondek Cor
Agen Atap Spandek
harga besi beton ais
Pabrik besi unp baja
Pabrik besi unp baja
Pabrik besi unp baja
undangan pernikahan ada foto
Pabrik Bondek Cor
Pabrik Atap Spandek
harga besi beton

Maryann Poch

ü mengurangi sebanyak mungkin bahan-bahan impuritasDistributor plat besi hitam
Distributor plat besi hitam
undangan pernikahan bentuk tas
Distributor plat kapal besi baja
Agen besi beton interworld steel is
undangan pernikahan modern
Toko Plat Bordes Kembang
Distributor Pipa Besi baja Schedule Sch 40
Distributor besi cnp baja
jasa konstruksi baja
Harga plat besi hitam
Harga plat besi hitam
undangan pernikahan simple
undangan pernikahan biru
Harga plat kapal besi baja
Agen besi beton gunung garuda
undangan pernikahan biasa
jual laptop asus jual laptop asus
jual laptop asus murah jual laptop asus murah
Toko Plat Besi Hitam
Supplier Pipa Besi baja Schedule Sch 40
Harga besi cnp baja
Jual plat besi hitam
Jual plat besi hitam
undangan pernikahan biasa
Jual plat kapal besi baja
Agen besi beton delcoprima
undangan pernikahan bahasa inggris islam
Toko Plat Kapal Bki Krakatau Steel
Agen Pipa Besi baja Schedule Sch 40
Jual besi cnp baja
Supplier plat besi hitam
Supplier plat besi hitam
undangan pernikahan bagus
Supplier plat kapal besi baja
Agen besi beton cakra steel cs
undangan pernikahan cantik elegan
Toko Jual Besi Siku Baja
Toko Pipa Besi baja Schedule Sch 40
Supplier besi cnp baja
Toko plat besi hitam
Toko plat besi hitam
undangan pernikahan bermanfaat
Toko plat kapal besi baja
Agen besi beton bjku
undangan pernikahan akrilik
Toko Besi Unp Baja Profil Kanal
Jual Pipa Besi baja Schedule Sch 40
undangan pernikahan
undangan pernikahan amplop surat
Toko besi cnp baja
Supplier besi beton Sni Ulir Polos polos ulir
Agen plat besi hitam
Agen plat besi hitam
undangan pernikahan akrilik
Agen plat kapal besi baja
Agen besi beton Sni Ulir Polos
undangan pernikahan bentuk dompet
Toko Besi Cnp Profil Baja Gording
Harga Pipa Besi baja Schedule Sch 40
Agen besi cnp baja
Supplier besi beton sii
Pabrik plat besi hitam
Pabrik plat besi hitam
undangan pernikahan anti mainstream
Pabrik plat kapal besi baja
Agen besi beton ais
undangan pernikahan coklat
Toko Besi Hollow
Pabrik Pipa Besi baja Schedule Sch 40
Pabrik besi cnp baja
Supplier besi beton psi Ulir Polos
Distributor plat kapal besi baja
Distributor plat kapal besi baja
undangan pernikahan klub bola
Distributor besi siku baja
Agen besi beton
undangan pernikahan kalender
Toko Wiremesh
Distributor Pipa Besi baja Schedule sch 80
Distributor besi unp baja
Supplier besi beton perwira
Harga plat kapal besi baja
Harga plat kapal besi baja
undangan pernikahan cetak
Harga besi siku baja
undangan pernikahan modern
undangan pernikahan online
jasa konstruksi baja
undangan pernikahan coklat
Toko Besi Pipa Baja Schedule 80
Supplier Pipa Besi baja Schedule sch 80
Harga besi unp baja
Supplier besi beton PAS
Jual plat kapal besi baja
Jual plat kapal besi baja
Agen stainless steel
Jual besi siku baja
undangan pernikahan arab
Toko Besi Pipa Baja Schedule 40
Agen Pipa Besi baja Schedule sch 80
Jual besi unp baja
Supplier besi beton master steel ms
Supplier plat kapal besi baja
Supplier plat kapal besi baja
Agen atap spandek
Supplier besi siku baja
undangan pernikahan kalender
Toko Pipa Besi Hitam Medium
Toko Pipa Besi baja Schedule sch 80
Supplier besi unp baja
Supplier besi beton ksty
Toko plat kapal besi baja
Toko plat kapal besi baja
Agen baja ringan
Toko besi siku baja
undangan pernikahan custom
Toko Besi Wf
Jual Pipa Besi baja Schedule sch 80
Toko besi unp baja
Supplier besi beton krakatau steel
Agen plat kapal besi baja
Agen plat kapal besi baja
Agen bondek
Agen besi siku baja
Toko besi beton Sni Ulir Polos polos ulir
undangan pernikahan klasik
Toko Besi H beam
Harga Pipa Besi baja Schedule sch 80
Agen besi unp baja
Supplier besi beton jcac
Pabrik plat kapal besi baja
Pabrik plat kapal besi baja
Agen Plat kapal besi baja bki krakatau steel
Pabrik besi siku baja
Toko besi beton sii
undangan pernikahan batik
Toko Besi Beton
Pabrik Pipa Besi baja Schedule sch 80
Pabrik besi unp baja
Supplier besi beton interworld steel is
Distributor besi siku baja
Distributor besi siku baja
Agen besi siku
Distributor besi wf
Agen besi Wf Baja
undangan pernikahan
Distributor Pipa Besi baja
Distributor besi h beam baja
Supplier besi beton gunung garuda


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